Energy access refers to the availability and reliable supply of modern energy services to all individuals and communities, ensuring that everyone can meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.

It includes having access to clean cooking facilities, electricity, and other energy sources that are required for communication, heating, lighting, and other productive tasks. Energy availability is essential for general well-being, healthcare, education, and economic growth. By offering dependable and environmentally friendly energy solutions, we can uplift local economies, lessen poverty, and encourage environmental sustainability. Increasing access to energy is essential to attaining inclusive and equitable growth on a global scale.

Without energy, there is no development. We help policy-makers to develop robust policies that deliver meaningful energy access and carry out economic analysis of various electrification options, including network expansion, mini-grids and other off-grid energy solutions. We have expertise in addressing structural, regulatory and market barriers to private-sector mini-grids.

Energy Access Services

Energy Access Gap Analysis

We conduct comprehensive energy needs assessments and gap analysis exercises to evaluate the energy requirements within unserved and underserved communities. Through rigorous data collection, community consultations, and energy mapping exercises, we identify the energy access challenges, assess the energy needs of communities, and develop tailored energy access strategies that drive the deployment of sustainable and affordable energy solutions.

We conduct comprehensive feasibility studies, technology assessments, and business model analyses, enabling stakeholders to identify suitable off-grid and mini-grid solutions, optimise resource utilisation, and drive the deployment of decentralised energy solutions that promote energy access, and drive socio-economic development within underserved communities.

We conduct in-depth policy analyses, stakeholder consultations, advocating for progressive policy reforms that foster an enabling environment for energy access, promote regulatory compliance, and ensure the adoption of inclusive energy policies that drive equitable energy access.

Public-Private Partnership Facilitation

We can facilitate the establishment of strategic public-private partnerships that drive collaborative energy access initiatives and promote sustainable development within unserved and underserved communities.

Advisory for Off-Grid, On-Grid, and Mini-Grid Projects

To support the development and implementation of off-grid, on-grid, and mini-grid projects, we offer professional advisory services. Our advice guarantees that these energy solutions are optimized for sustainability, efficiency, and dependability, meeting the particular needs of each community and promoting wider access to energy.

Clean Cooking Initiatives

Our efforts to promote clean cooking focus on making cooking technology that is accessible, effective, and low-impact on the environment. Our goals include lowering indoor air pollution, enhancing health outcomes, and reducing dependency on conventional biomass fuels by distributing clean cookstoves and alternative fuels.

Energy Financing and Advisory Services

We supports the implementation of energy access initiatives by providing customized finance options and consultancy services. To guarantee the effective execution and long-term viability of energy projects, we support our customers in obtaining capital, creating business plans, and negotiating legal frameworks.

 Capacity Building and Training Programs

Our comprehensive capacity development and training programs are designed to provide stakeholders and local communities with the necessary knowledge and abilities to manage and maintain energy systems. These initiatives, which promote local ownership and the long-term viability of energy access projects, center on technical training, energy management, and community involvement.

Highlighted Projects

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Advisory for the development of two hybrid solar and conventional generation projects with an aggregate capacity of 235MW ($138.5million). 

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Shell Foundation + Konexa

Advisory on the development and integration of decentralized energy technologies within an islanded distribution network in northern Nigeria.

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NESI Performance Tracker

For the Nigerian electricity supply industry, we developed a thorough data visualization platform that combined data from several sources to give stakeholders up-to-date information and a thorough picture of the state of the market.

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PPI Network Investment Reconciliation

The objective of Phase 1 of the Presidential Power Initiative (PPI) is to align transmission and electricity distribution projects, unlocking stranded generation capacity. The ultimate goal is to achieve an operational capacity of 4000 MW across the network system by eliminating demand suppression. Consequently, EMRC’s first task is to review nominated projects by both parties and provide a line of sight to achieve this objective.

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Performance Improvement Plan for Distribution Companies In Nigeria

Under NESI mandates, we conducted bi-annual tariff reviews and periodic significant tariff designs for DisCos. DisCo rates were reviewed and examined while taking into account market conditions, economic indices, market loss levels, and gas prices. Created in-house financial models and presented realistic market remittance predictions for a six-month period. 

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Electricity Co-operative Based Ownership Model

With support from the SOAS Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Consortium, EMRC, and Atmos Energy Solutions partnered to further the research on whether a cooperative-based ownership structure can reduce corruption among SMEs and bridge the payment performance gap to provide reliable power at a stable price. The project entails the execution of a proof of concept and pilot project in Kugbo International Market in Abuja, Nigeria.