Project: Review, Reporting & Consultancy.

EMRC was engaged by the Senate Committee on Power to:

  1. Investigate all Federal Government interventions in the power sector since the privatization of the sector to date with a view to ascertaining the adequacy of such interventions and their desired impact; and
  2. Investigate all market participants in the power value chain and ascertain the level of corporate governance compliance in the NESI.

The object is to;

  • Understand the roles and status of the performance obligations of each player in the electricity value chain,
  • Assess the Federal Government’s Power Sector Recovery Plan (PSRP) and associated infrastructure finance support programmes in place to augment distribution, transmission and rural/off-grid programs.
  • Ascertain and understand the structure, purpose, and outcomes of Federal Government intervention funds in NESI
  • Establish the level of corporate governance compliance in NESI

Client: - Nigerian Senate Committee On Power.