Hourly Generation Decline

What’s going on with TCN?.

Members of the National Union of Electricity Employees and members of the Senior Staff Association of Electricity and Allied Companies announced a strike action that began today, effectively crippling the electricity supply across the country. Read more here

Why are they on strike?

.The TCN Board recently announced that all Acting Principal Managers should report for promotion interviews. Members of the NUEE claim that this decision is a breach of their conditions of service. As stakeholders, they believe they should have been consulted before making the decision. NUEE is also protesting TCN’s failure to pay entitlements owed to ex-PHCN staff for December 2019 and has made discrimination claims that they have allegedly been prevented from working in other areas of the power sector. Read more here

What’s happened so far?

TCN has pleaded with the workers to cancel the strike action. So far, no agreement has been reached.

Today’s generation data shows that while a peak of 4,254MW was recorded at 7 am, generation output has been on a steady decline since. At 4 pm today (17/08/2022), all power plants started recording zero output.

TCN Strike Electricity Falls To Zero

What happens next?

  • We expect Government to intervene as a prolonged blackout will cripple the Nigerian economy and affect the delivery of essential services.
  • The blackout will affect the revenue of the entire Nigerian electricity value chain.
  • TCN may also incur penalties for non-delivery of power in line with their signed agreements with the Discos.

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